To be the most preferred integrated steel products manufacturer and solutions provider across globe by excelling in designing and delivering to the over dynamic requirements of the customer and the industry through team powered with latest technologies and infrastructure.

Yes - Attitude

With latest technology and intent to serve the customers requirement, to remain focused on finding ways to say "Yes" to every challenge we face.


We believe and practice what is correct and acceptable.


We believe and venture into breaking the status quo and customary practices resulting into best in class sustainable products and solutions.

Integrity/ Trust

Integrity and trust are the foundation on which all the stakeholders operate.


We believe that nothing can be done without Optimism and it is a part of our behavior.

Open Communication

We promote free flow of HOT (Honest, Open and Two-Way) communication right from the factory floor to the board room..


Taking ownership and personal responsibility for all our deeds and actions helps us to stay aligned and productive which goes a long way in favour of the customers and the organization.

Pride in what we do

Our products are foundations for the worlds infrastructure and we take pride in that.


We practice transparency in everything we do and that is what gives our internal and external customers, increased faith and belief in our organization.

Team Work

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much is being believed and practiced as a part of our values.

Treat people the right way

We believe in treating the people the same way we would like to be treated.


Works & Office:

A: Village Tandwa, Tehsil and Block Tilda, Dist. Raipur, Chattisgarh, India-493 114

P: +91 9109100391, 9111838000



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